Thursday, April 23, 2009

Papa and me

Mama and papa feels that whenever all three of us are out together, I feel and act happier. Even at a young tender age, I seemed to treasure precious moments papa squeezed out for me. On rare days when I wake with papa next to me, I will happily ask him to play with me. Sometimes he will play a little while before having to jet off somewhere (usually work). Other times he, mama and me will go off for breakfast and I'll be quite happie....................................................
Below are some pics taken before, during and after a short trip so Seng Kang Sculpture Park for breakfast n play.
Mama took a snapshot of papa n me chatting.

"Say cheese!"

This is my 2nd time at Sculpture Park. The 1st time, mama and papa brought me to a place that was largely unshaded in the morning sun. We had lots of fun playing frisby n ball under the sunny sky but it was just too hot, thought mama and papa. This time rund, mama and papa decided to bring me to another part which featured a children's playground and was shaded. They were surprised when I showed not much interest and insisted on returning to the "hotspot".

There are many things to love about the "hotspot". For one, it had GIANT fishballs greeting me at the entrance. What more can a fishball-lovin little boy ask for? "ARMMMM!"

Here's me pushing a blue fish sail of some sort. Papa made the discovery (that it can rotate when pushed) on our first trip here. I just had so much time the first time round I had to do it again this time: )

Not easy...

But so much fun!

Can u see me?

Playing hide-and-seek with papa.

Papa decided we had enough of the morning sun when I decided to leave the shade and venture into a scorching playground with equipments which were too complex for me anyway.

A final shot with papa n Mr. Dino before we headed off.
In the bus.

I was quite tired by the time we got off the bus. I laid my head on papa's shoulder while sipping some water. Papa was singing a tune for me.

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