Monday, May 5, 2008

Can you solve this mystery?

On 3rd May, Mama decided to bring Lele to a pre-mother's day gathering at Plaza Market Cafe. Mama decided to go by cab with 2 other mummies and their babies. Mama&Lele met up with Mummy Janice & BBJ first. Together they took a cab to pick Mummy Agnes&BBJo up. BBJo was asleep soundly in Mummy Agnes' sling. As they boarded the cab, Mama commented to Mummy Agnes about BBJo sleeping. Mummy Agnes explained that BBJo missed her morning nap and finally managed to sneak a few winks as they were leaving home.

Just then, our conversation was cut off by a loud wail from Lele! Poor BBJo stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes a crack. I tried to calm him down and Lele was quiet for a minute, only to start again with more punch and tears! Poor BBJo was awakened and stared at Lele with an astonised face. BBJ was also quite stunned...

I wondered out loud if Lele cried because he was reminded of the sleeping cat at the sight of sleeping BBJo.

Both Mummy Agnes and Mummy Janice found it quite amusing how a sleeping child could trigger some (sad) memories of a sleeping cat.

Mama found it quite amusing how Lele could remember a sad incident of a few weeks past for such a long time, considering his tender age.

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